Metamask: Need help understanding the “template code provided by Metamask that allows us to determine if the user has Metamask installed”?

Understanding MetaMask: Detecting User Installation in Online Solidity Tutorials

When working with online Solidity tutorials, one often comes across examples that use the MetaMask wallet template code. However, a question often arises in these tutorials: how can we detect whether a user has Metamask installed or not? In this article, we will examine the template code provided and provide hints on how to implement similar detection logic.

The template code

Here is an excerpt from the online tutorial you mentioned:

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

contract MetaMaskWallet {

// ...

function checkMetaMask() public view returns (bool) {

// Check if MetaMask is installed using the following code

// This returns true if MetaMask is installed and false otherwise

address metaMaskAddress = 0x...; // Replace with actual MetaMask wallet address

bool hasMetaMask = metaMaskAddress != 0 &&

(blockgss.getBalance(metadataWallet) == 0 || blockgss.getBlockValue(metadataWallet) == 0);

return hasMetaMask;



In this example, the checkMetaMask function uses a combination of Solidity’s address, uint256 and uint32 types to determine if MetaMask is installed. Here’s how it works:

  • We first retrieve the address of the wallet used when creating the contract. This can be done using the blockgss.getBalance function, which returns the wallet’s balance in Wei (the native unit of Solidity contracts).
  • We then check if the wallet address is not zero (metaMaskAddress != 0) and if the wallet balance or value is zero (blockgss.getBlockValue == 0 || blockgss.getBalance == 0).
  • If both conditions are met, it means that MetaMask was installed when the contract was deployed and is still active.

Implementing similar detection logic

To implement similar detection logic in your own Solidity contracts or custom wallet implementations, you can use a combination of the address, uint256 and uint32 types to get the wallet address and balance. Here are some steps:

  • Get wallet address: Use the blockgss.getWalletAddress function to get the address of the wallet used when creating the contract.
  • Check if the wallet is installed: Use a similar combination of conditions as in the example provided, such as checking for zero account balance or value.

Example implementation

Metamask: Need help understanding

Here is an example implementation that shows how to get the wallet address and check if it is installed:

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

contract MetaMaskWallet {

// ...

function getMetaMaskAddress() public view returns (address) {

uint256 balance = blockgss.getBalance(metadataWallet);

return address(blockgss.getWalletAddress(balances, balances.length - 1));


function checkMetaMaskInstalled() public view returns (bool) {

address metaMaskAddress = getMetaMaskAddress();

return metaMaskAddress != 0 &&

(blockgss.getBalance(metadataWallet) == 0 || blockgss.getBlockValue(metadataWallet) == 0);



In this example, the getMetaMaskAddress function retrieves the wallet address by using the blockgss.getWalletAddress function with a balance array. The checkMetaMaskInstalled function then checks if the wallet is installed and active.


To determine whether a user has Metamask installed or not, a combination of Solidity’s address, uint256 and uint32 types can be used to retrieve the wallet address and balance. By following these steps, you should be able to implement similar detection logic in your own contracts or custom wallet implementations. Remember to replace the placeholder addresses with actual wallet addresses.

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